"Smitty," John growls, and a noise halfway to a laugh bubbles in Jaren's throat. Lui calibre - Lovey Dovey MiniLadd - Sure BasicallyIDoWrk - Hiking DaithiDeNogla - Long distance H2O Delirious - Dangerous. He became recognized for his squeaky voice and for trolling other players. (Lui Calibre) and harmless pranks (Terroriser), really bad things have happened to people who have attempted to use this sort of thing to fool people into relationships, donating money, and other deceitful behavior. If the guys themselves haven't taken the time to make a gif out of it and post it to reddit, I certainly think it's okay for someone else to. Gamer Lui Calibre does a voice that perfectly sounds like a 5-year old in a GTA lobby. He has also uploaded non-gaming videos such. A few weeks before he passed he would gag trying to eat or said food tasted metallic. What is up everybody, H2O Delirious here!Common intro. Skype Voice Changer Pro allows you to preview each effect to hear what it sounds like before you start your call, and you can even adjust the parameters of the effects in real-time while you talk. Does Lui Calibre use a voice changer? Brian Michael Hanby, also known as Terroriser (formerly "TheGamingTerroriser") is video game commentator. Check out why she is so popular with these extra spicy cosplays.